
Hi, I'm Mahbub.

My Experience

Specialist in need. Generalist at heart.


  • React.Js
  • VUE.Js
  • React Native
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind
  • AntD
  • Bootstrap
  • Material-UI


  • DRF(Django Rest Framework)
  • Express
  • NodeJS
  • NPM


  • AWS, GCP
  • MongoDB
  • Oracle
  • Heroku, Railway
  • VS Code, Atom
  • Github, Gitlab
  • Stripe.Js
  • Firebase
  • Jenkins


Here are few of my projects.

Life Long 365


Life Long 365: A transformative education-career app serving as a vital bridge connecting students in Bangladesh with opportunities in the Japanese job sectors. Facilitating seamless transitions and fostering growth for a globalized workforce.

Tech stack: React, Firebase, Express, MongoDB, Railway, AWS

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Elevate your leisure with our video streaming platform—a destination designed to enhance your downtime in an entertaining and enjoyable manner. Immerse yourself in a world of captivating content, tailored to make every moment more delightful and engaging.
[under development]
Tech stack:React.js, Tailwind, Express.js MongoDB, Railway

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EmpowerHER: A dedicated application for women's rights, meticulously crafted to foster awareness and empowerment among women. Explore narratives of success, educational pursuits, accomplished goals, and more, providing a comprehensive platform for women to chart their paths to success.
[under development]
Tech stack: React, Firebase, Express, MongoDB, Railway, AWS

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Doctors Portal


A sophisticated medical application designed to facilitate seamless consultations with healthcare professionals and streamline the appointment reservation process. Empowering users to access expert medical advice and efficiently schedule appointments, ensuring a convenient and effective healthcare experience.
Tech stack: React, Tailwind, DaisyUI, Express, Firebase, Mongodb, Railway

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An advanced web application catering to both developers and discerning companies seeking seamless collaboration. Providing a refined platform for talent acquisition and employment opportunities, ensuring a professional and efficient ecosystem for mutual connection and growth.
Tech stack:React.js,Express.js MongoDB,Bootstrap

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Ema- John


E-commerce site.Replica of Amazon site.
Tech stack: React, React router, Auth, RestAPI, Firebase

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Weather App


A comprehensive weather application delivering real-time meteorological data for precise and localized insights. Stay informed with live updates on current weather conditions in your town, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information to plan your activities with confidence.
Tech stack: Web API

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Hard Rock Music Station


A dynamic song application offering a seamless audio experience coupled with instant access to song lyrics. Enjoy a vast library of music, where users can effortlessly listen to their favorite tunes while simultaneously exploring and displaying song lyrics for an immersive and enriching musical journey.
Tech stack: Bootstrap,Web API

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Who I Am

Passionate web and mobile app developer thriving in the picturesque city of Shizuoka, Japan. I craft digital experiences using React, Vue, React Native, and AWS. A Mathematics graduate from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, with a deep love for technology.

Beyond coding, my free time, especially during holidays, is dedicated to exploration. Whether it's wandering through countryside landscapes, capturing moments in videos, or embracing the serenity of green surroundings, I find joy in every adventure.

Weekdays transform into a canvas for continuous learning and growth. Engaged in absorbing the latest in technology, devouring insightful blogs, and conquering programming challenges. Join me on this journey of perpetual curiosity!